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A Title IX Lawyer Can Help You Navigate the Process

Jun 20

When a student (also known as the “respondent”) makes a claim of sexual assault, harassment or other misconduct, schools typically launch an intense and often complex investigation and hearing process. An experienced Title IX lawyer can help you navigate this process.

Title IX Lawyer Phoenix can also prepare you for your initial investigator interview by gathering exculpatory evidence and identifying witnesses.

Attorneys in New York

Students at colleges and universities across the country can face Title IX disciplinary hearings after an allegation of sexual assault or harassment. The ramifications can be serious and affect the accused’s academic career, professional future, and financial security. A good defense is essential in these cases.

Our attorneys are well-versed in Title IX and school discipline law, so we can quickly assess your case, provide a plan for moving forward, and help you understand what to expect throughout the process. Our attorneys will be your voice, and you can feel confident that what we discuss with you is privileged under attorney-client confidentiality laws.

Colleges must comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which forbids discrimination based on sex in all educational programs and activities. When they fail to do so, they can lose federal funding. In addition to providing students with academic support, schools are required by Title IX to investigate and address any complaints of sex-based discrimination or misconduct. This means that students who have been accused of violating Title IX may face severe consequences, including suspension and expulsion from their college and loss of athletic scholarships and financial aid. Our attorneys defend students against these accusations by challenging improper investigations and ensuring that their rights are protected at every step of the process.

New York Attorneys

While many people associate the #MeToo movement with college sexual assault, sexual harassment, inappropriate comments or touching, and even sexual assault cases, not every allegation of misconduct handled internally by colleges falls under Title IX. However, a college disciplinary hearing can have serious consequences, including the loss of your education and employment opportunities. Our team of attorneys can defend your rights and reputation throughout the process.

Our firm is nationally recognized for our work representing survivors of Title IX violations in universities, K-12 schools, and other higher education institutions and for our impact litigation and policy work on these issues. Our attorneys, Cari Simon, Monica Beck, Lisa Cloutier, and Iliana Konidaris are experienced and powerful advocates who can fight to protect your rights.

When you meet with one of our attorneys, your conversations will be protected by attorney-client privilege. We take our clients seriously and are available to answer any questions you may have about your case. We will leave no stone unturned as we fight to ensure you have a fair and just process. Additionally, we will not allow retaliation to occur against you, and our team of lawyers will make sure that the investigators and other staff members are acting with integrity. This includes ensuring that any retaliation is based on evidence and not unfounded personal opinions or biases.

New York Lawyers

The attorneys at Giordano Law Offices are skilled and experienced Title IX defense lawyers that work diligently to ensure that your child’s rights, interests and academic future are protected throughout the entire process of a school sexual misconduct investigation and hearing. Our attorneys are dedicated to protecting your student’s Title IX case from the beginning of an internal investigation to a final resolution on both the institutional and federal levels.

Public and private colleges, vocational, trade, occupational and high schools that receive federal financial assistance must comply with Title IX guidelines which prohibit discrimination based on sex. Anyone can file a Title IX complaint, including an accuser who has been harmed or who feels they have been treated unfairly.

After an initial investigation, many of these cases proceed to a Title IX hearing. These are similar to a trial, and both parties are permitted to question witnesses and evidence with certain limitations. These hearings are held before a panel composed of individuals affiliated with the college/university, which decides whether an offense occurred and what sanction is appropriate. This process is often rushed, and it can be difficult for an accused person to have their attorney present during the hearing. In addition, the standard of proof used at these hearings is lower than the criminal justice system’s “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard.




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